Special Needs Vocational Outreach 6th EditionDone and Dusted

SNVO 2024
What’s next? Looking towards another impactful Edition in 2025.

Our Annual Special Needs Vocational Outreach was a success. Held on the 28th of September, 2024; this event hosted 3 speakers who are pioneers of vocational skill acquisition, financial empowerment/independence for persons living with disabilities, and professional/social inclusion in work places.

With speakers in the person of Mrs. Emmanuella Akinola; Co-founder/Chief Operations Officer:Accesstech innovation and Research Centre; Ms. Nike Peters: Founder of Piroes Shoes; and Ms. Enor Agofure: Co-founder/Chief Publicity Officer of MindAfrik, we were able to examine the importance of financial empowerment, self advocacy, effective law formulation and implementation, and work place inclusion in the disability community.

No doubt, SNVO 20024 was a success.

One of our greatest takeaways from the program is the place is financial sustainability for individuals living with disabilities. Financial independence is important and crucial to Advocacy against discrimination. You can’t advocate for inclusion if you are impoverished; hence people living with Disabilities should not only empower themselves, but learn skills that are financially sustainable.

Also, everyone in the world are all inter dependent on each other, hence, no one is island and no entity can operate without the other. Our inter dependence makes us need one another to operate and function effectively.

As we are planning for a more bigger and better SNVO 2025, we are already looking at startegic ways to implement many of these lessons from SNVO 2024.

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