The word “Advocacy” simply means “Public support/recommendation for/of a particular cause or policy”. It means getting support from another person or a group of persons to help you express your views,/thoughts, and defend your rights.

In simple clear terms, Disability Advocacy is “any acting, speaking or writing that promotes, protects and defends the human rights of People With Disability.”

It is the coming together to promote and Uphold the rights of People With Disability within a human rights framework.

Advocacy exists to protect the rights of people and acts as an additional safeguard to humanity.

In the human community, there are so many benefits and importance of advocacy, as we cannot imagine a community where no one speaks up or addresses fundamental issues that borders on the infringement of the rights of People Living With Disability.

It is important to note that the disabled community are a “vulnerable population”, hence, there is a need for double the efforts and intensity of advocacy as opposed to other circles of life.

This is because the larger human society is designed for the Individual without a disability.

In the past, several disability advocacy movements have springed up and this has positively effected their community.

In this post, let us examine 5 importance of disability advocacy

It makes it possible for individuals with disabilities to live an independent life social modification of norms and practices.

Disability advocacy provides people with disabilities the knowledge to expand and defend their rights and needs. It helps them understand their rights, their options and helps them make an informed decision.

Disability advocacy helps the affected population become more involved in important decisions about their life and it can be a lifeline for many, both directly and indirectly.

It can lead to increased selg awareness, self-confidence, improved communication skills, greater independence and control, improved access to resources and opportunities, increased social connections and support, better mental health and well-being for persons with disabilities.

It opens up pathways of communication for all stakeholders in nation building as needs of the affected individuals can be considered at all levels of national growth.

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